"Healing is the process of loving those parts which are hurting..."

I Met a New Friend Tonight


I Met A New Friend Tonight

by Ron Chelsvig 

April 16, 2016

(2AM after a poetry reading for our dear brother, Abdal-Hayy Moore)

I looked out at you and said, "You are beautiful! Wow...I don't remember seeing you before."

And just as I finished saying that, (and I do mean "just"), just as I finished saying that, the reddened, sparkly, glowing, glimmering star said back to me, "I don't remember seeing you before either. How could we have have missed each other in all of these years?"

Inside I thought for a moment. 

"Perhaps you are a new star? Perhaps you were somewhere else before?" I reasoned. 

But the star smiled back at me, the way stars do in times like this and said, "No, I've been here for many, many years now. I am older than the oldest thought ever thought by the oldest thing that has ever had a thought. Much older than that, even."

As I was contemplating that dinosaurs had thoughts he told me he was older than the thoughts of dinosaurs, reminding me that even bacteria have thoughts. 

“Wow." I said. "That is old."

I thought about that for a moment.

I stood there, reflecting on that last thought as my beautiful new star friend sat quietly and gloriously among my other star friends.

"I am glad I met you tonight. I am glad we finally met. My name is Ron."

And with that I gazed at my new reddened, sparkly, glowing, glimmering star friend as he gazed at me. 

It was amazing how simple and perfect this simple and perfect moment was, beings we often find ourselves living in such chaotically chaotic chaoticness.

But tonight, I just stood there 

and took in the simple beauty of the night sky. 

Thank you. 

Have sweet dreams my friend.

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