"Healing is the process of loving those parts which are hurting..."

IFS Workshop Series

 Internal Family Systems (IFS)

Workshop Series March 2025

((Each workshop outlined below))


In this 3-part series, I intend to facilitate a meditation, a discussion and to use IFS techniques to help us understand our relationship with the various parts of us which help shape how we navigate our world. Each workshop has a specific theme. Please consider attending all three. Each is 2 hours long. I intend to start on time.

March 9, 2025: What Is Wrong With Me?

Do you ever feel sad or scared or anxious and feel like there is something wrong with you for feeling those types of feelings? It is very common to ask, “What is wrong with me? Why am I feeling so scared?” It is a very common experience. We often can go into thinking something is wrong with us for feeling or thinking certain ways.

This workshop will focus on that voice inside which can feel very shaming and judgmental. In my experience working with people and with my own self, that voice inside actually has a loving message for us. There is a purpose for it being there, and it is often not to shame us.

March 16: Befriending Self-Criticism

“Why didn’t you start this project earlier? Why are you always late? Why do you wait until the last minute to clean your house before company is coming over?”

Do you ever hear this voice inside you? I know I have this voice. It feels so negative and shaming.

What is the purpose of this Self-Critical voice? Can we make it go away?

March 23: Fall In Love With Yourself

Doesn’t that sound wonderful? Is it possible to fall in love with ourselves? (The answer is “yes” by the way.”

We hear about “unconditional love” in so many self-help books. Many of us say we can love our children or friends unconditionally, but when it comes to looking in the mirror and loving that person looking back at us, we tend to love that person with conditions:

“I will love you when you lose 10 pounds.”

“I will love you when you clean your bedroom.”

“I will love when you do this or stop doing that…”

This workshop will focus on loving ourselves…really loving ourselves…

Please join us by filling out your information: