Did I Pray Today?
Did I Pray Today?
by Ron Chelsvig
July 18,2020
(Written after my morning prayers)
Did I pray today?
I’m thinking.
Have I ever prayed?
I know I have sat still many times and closed my eyes
I have knelt and pressed my forehead to the ground.
I have folded my hands, reached my hands to the sky, cradled my hands to my heart.
I have laid outstretched, crying and begging for forgiveness.
But have I ever prayed?
I have bathed my face and hands, donned head coverings and clean robes.
I have said words, quoted scripture and tried to focus on the beauty of God, the Master.
But have I ever prayed?
When I’m done, I’m always me again. My thoughts. My problems. My yearnings.
It seems there are many roadblocks inside me.
I can get so distracted.
I don’t know who put them there.
“Oh, Patient One.
Oh, Compassionate One.
Oh, Ruler of my Heart.”
“Oh, wait. Did I pay the electric bill?”
“Only God exists.
Only God exists.
Only God exists.
I do not.”
“Oh, I think I’m running low on paper towels. I need to buy more.”
I have felt the immense beauty of love and gratitude. My heart melts when I hear small sparrows and Wood Thrushes sing outside.
When a baby smiles to me, something deep inside me smiles back, lovingly.
I have felt joy so deeply that I’ve cried.
I have felt deep, deep gratitude for that first sip of cool water after a day of fasting.
I have felt empathy and compassion for the poor and sick to the point where I nearly forget about myself.
I have sat with at least one wise one who encouraged me to try. And try again. And to keep trying.
I want to pray. Some times I’m less distracted than other times.
I have a feeling that prayer is beyond feeling. It has no room for my cleaver thoughts.
I read a prayer by an old man years ago. He wrote, “Lord, empty me of me so that I may be filled of Thee.”
That sounds wise to me.
May I get out of the way and let it be.
That is my prayer for now.