Ron Chelsvig

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Tell Me Stories

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Tell Me Stories

Tell Me Stories 

November 24, 2021

Tell me stories

to remind me who I am

Sometimes I forget, 

and I get scared. 

Hold my hand

so I can feel alive and not so alone

It gets so lonely here at times

Let’s sit together 

and not think

Just. not. think.

Let’s lay on our backs and watch the clouds 

as if they are a secret just for us 

(-whisper-because they are)

Let’s close our eyes and pretend everything is okay,

(-whisper-because it is)

Let’s say hello to strangers

and let them know how beautiful they are 

(-whisper-because they are beautiful)

Let’s splash cold water on our faces,

(the colder the better!!)

and feel instantly alive

and vibrant

Let’s close our eyes

And thank the Holy place inside

Even though we don’t understand

It’s okay. 

It understands

Lets press our foreheads together

and breathe

Reminding each other we are alive, 

right now

Honoring our hardships and dreams and worries 

Let’s sit and cry and laugh and breathe

Let’s sit and tell stories to each other, so we can remember how precious we are, how precious this love is, in all of this mess of life, that we are alive in it all

So, tell me stories of who I am

And I will tell you stories of who you are

And then we will remember