"Healing is the process of loving those parts which are hurting..."



Stories, Words & Music

We, Made of Clay


We, made of clay

We, such fragile, complicated beings

We laugh

We cry

We wonder

We think we are in control

Yet a speck of sawdust in the corner of our right eye changes that in a flash

We think we can be alone

But we did not create ourselves

We are here because others loved us into being

Our strength is in our ability to be vulnerable


Love is the thing which binds us

Love is the smile from a stranger

The warm bowl of stew

The yearning for connection

It is Love which feeds us

Nothing else

Love is what sustains us

Love is what was breathed into us

We, made of clay

-Ron Chelsvig 

March 25, 2020



Denali National Park

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This One Tree Somewhere

Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.